
Written by Lost in a Dream (Liad)

Coloured hanging lanterns against teal firs: Every objects holds a memory.
Image Courtesy of

The cold wine cleanses–
And I really feel your absence.

Out of the patio door I spy:
Coloured hanging lanterns against
Teal firs.
A lavender sky.

I know the door is locked.

I fall ten years back
back into your garden.

It’s a green blur from here and a kitchen table through a window.
Pale wood, solid. Definitely circle.
A chain of coloured lanterns holds me focused as
I try to recall your face.
I try to summon memories time locked away.

All I get is fish and chips and an aubergine cardigan.

The sun is setting, falling behind the firs.
I run to the kitchen door
Desperate to find you.

The door is locked.

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